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When we are approaching the day dedicated to love and lovers, in jewelry we talk about engagement rings or precious gifts. I, on the other hand, want to talk to you about my first love for a stone. I was little, 11 years old maybe, and Mary, a closest friend to my family and me, […]

A Merry Christmas for this year too

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I am perfectly aware of the fact that I publish less and less and write less and less. I realize that “writing” is an activity that must be trained, practiced otherwise you lose the ability to express in little more researched words a topics, an opinions or ideas. Every month that passed in which I […]

Dear beloved grannies

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2020, many things have been told about this year. The other day I was thinking about the loss that joins many people who live these terrible periods, the painful loss of grandparents. It is an tough loss of love, memory and wisdom. I thought about my grandparents and the period of childhood I’ve been with […]