Black Or White?

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Big : I took the liberty of making up some vows for you. Repeat after me, please. I will never kiss another man other than my husband.  Carrie : I will never kiss another man other than my husband.  Big : I will stop worrying about being a boring old married couple because we never […]

Pearls of Chiocolate

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What’s better than a combination that makes you produce serotonin and makes you happy? Chocolate & jewels is the best.  This time I want to go deeper on this idea knowing that Nature has her way of doing things and here she comes with a fusion.  Brown-chocolate pearls here are in a perfect sphere, although […]


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Some of you must have seen a fantastic diamond’s line on our Chiara Ferragni’ s neck with a shocking weight in carats. That beautiful Diamond Collier! These days it happens that I have bang into something like that. I must thank Chiara for making it normal to wear a diamond necklace during the day instead […]


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Before we put an end to the enthusiasm and the celebrations made to welcome the new year; before the worrying of the difficulties and the uncertainty of these months coming take place in our minds, please let me show you a ring we created some time ago. An iconic ring representing the New Year Eve. […]

Would You Like Something to Drink?

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Would you like something to drink? In times of lockdown we are leaving in, we can play with our imagination and pretend we’re living in the American Prohibition period when the parties were organised covertly with prohibited spirits and alcoholic drinks served in undercover bars. For these parties and rendezvous, ladys spruced up with splendid […]


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The first time I saw an opal, I was twelve. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! I used to keep it closed to my eye to amplify the powerful and deep colours. It seemed I was full immersed in them, surrounded. All those colours so electric, so intense and shining all […]


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  When your anti-social-media boyfriend suggests to go to Sardinia for holidays, for a whole week of relax, that means beach and sea every day, and when he says relax he usually means nothing but the sea sound, the beach and a good cooking. That’s why he can’t understand my heavy luggage. I know that […]


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Last week I had the chance to see a ring that we designed for a very good client some years ago. I was so excited and happy to hold it in my hands that I asked her if I could make some pictures.I remember when we imaged these two splendid diamonds settled in the deep […]